Clicks® Property Virtual Profile (PVP)

Are you interested in exploring the potential of your property? Seeking to inspire others or discover design gems? Clicks® PVP is the solution! Showcase your sanctuary, gauge interest, or gather inspiration – all within a single platform.

Image of PVP page

Unlock Hidden Opportunities with Clicks® PVP!

Unsure about selling your property?
Clicks® PVP is your go-to tool to gauge interests and explore your options:

Test the waters:

Set a "Move Me" price and see if potential buyers show interest.

Image of Move Me feature

Streamline the listing process:

Utilize your PVP as a preliminary listing, gradually adding details as needed. Convert it into a complete listing with just a few clicks when you’re prepared to sell.

Image of Link PVP feature

Show off your haven!

Share images, videos, and even virtual tours, captivating fellow property enthusiasts on Clicks®, a community that genuinely values distinctive spaces.

Image of PVP Page


Make Memories, Find Inspiration

Cherish your haven:

Capture special moments with photos, videos, and even virtual tours. Relive them anytime!

Find design inspiration:

Explore real homes! Discover renovation ideas, get neighbourhood vibes.

Choosing Between PVP and My Listing: A Quick Guide

Unsure about showcasing your property?
Here's a simplified comparison between PVP and My Listing:

PublicityAccessible solely to registered Clicks® users.Visible to the public, even without a Clicks® account.
Accessibility AgentsNot accessible to agents.Ideal for agent marketing and exposure.
PresentationNot grouped by countries unless manually filtered by the user.Grouped by countries.
ContactConnection must be established before contact is possible.Direct inquiries permitted, and contact information may be displayed (enabling faster communication).

Some Tips!

For discreet leads and showcasing,

Opt for PVP

For maximum exposure and active buyers,

Select My Listing