HDB Resale Portal:
Your Complete Guide

Understanding the HDB Resale Portal

The HDB resale portal, also known as the HDB Flat Portal, is a government initiative designed to streamline the buying and selling of HDB resale flats. Launched to provide a reliable and transparent marketplace, the portal integrates various features to assist users in making informed decisions. Buyers need a valid HFE (HDB Flat Eligibility) letter, and sellers must register their intent to sell.

What is the HFE (HDB Flat Eligibility) Letter?

The HFE letter is a crucial document for anyone looking to buy an HDB resale flat. It confirms a buyer's eligibility to purchase a flat and is required to access certain features of the HDB resale portal.

How to Obtain the HFE Letter?

   Eligibility Check:

  • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for purchasing an HDB resale flat, such as citizenship, age, family nucleus, and income ceiling.

   Application Process:

  • Log in to the HDB website using your SingPass account.

  • Complete the HFE application form, providing necessary details about your household and financial status.

  • Submit the application online and wait for the verification process.

   Supporting Documents:

  • NRIC of all family members

  • Proof of income (latest payslips, CPF statements)

  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)

  • Other documents as specified during the application process

   Processing Time:

  • The HFE letter is typically processed within a few weeks. You will be notified via email or SMS once it is ready.

Who is Suitable for the HDB Resale Portal Listing?

CriteriaSuitable for HDB Resale Portal ListingNot Suitable for HDB Resale Portal Listing
CitizenshipSingapore CitizensForeigners and PRs without HFE eligibility
EligibilityBuyers and Sellers with HFE lettersThose wanting immediate transactions without waiting
Transaction TypeThose seeking transparency with price alerts and valuationNon-HDB property transactions


Clicks® for HDB Resale Portal Listings

For those who do not fit the HDB resale portal criteria, Clicks® offers several unique benefits:

No Eligibility Restrictions

Browse listings without needing an HFE letter.

Ease of Use

A user-friendly interface that simplifies the process.

Immediate Access

Quick listing and browsing capabilities without lengthy procedures.

Clicks®: The Real Estate Social Network

Clicks® is not just a real estate listing platform; it is a real estate social network designed for property transactions. This unique feature allows users to:

  • Build Credibility: By gaining followers and building a robust online presence, users can enhance their trustworthiness and brand.

  • Engage with the Community: Connect with other users, share insights, and stay updated with the latest trends in the real estate market.

  • Verify Credibility: Similar to social media, the number of followers and interactions can serve as a measure of credibility, providing additional assurance during transactions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Clicks® for HDB Resale Portal Listings

Creating an Account and Listing Your Flat

Sign Up

Register on Clicks® with your basic details.

List Your Property

Upload high-quality images and detailed descriptions to attract potential buyers.

Publish Your Listing

Once approved, your listing will go live and reach a broad audience.

Navigating Listings and Finding the Right Property

  • Advanced Search Filters: Use filters to find properties based on location, price, and other criteria.

  • Direct Contact: Communicate directly with sellers or buyers without intermediary restrictions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The HDB resale portal is an online platform by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) that facilitates the buying and selling of resale flats. It streamlines the transaction process by integrating eligibility checks, automated valuation, and financial tools, ensuring a transparent and efficient experience.

The portal is designed for Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents who meet the eligibility criteria. Buyers need a valid HFE (HDB Flat Eligibility) letter, and sellers must register their intent to sell. Additionally, users must comply with the Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) and Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) quota.

Sellers need to provide their Intent to Sell, Option to Purchase (OTP) form, and other supporting documents such as proof of eligibility and ownership. Both parties must submit these documents through the portal within specified timelines to complete the transaction.

The EIP ensures a balanced mix of ethnic groups in HDB estates. Buyers must adhere to the ethnic quotas set for each block and neighbourhood. For example, the maximum limit for Chinese, Malay, and Indian/Others in a block is 87%, 25%, and 15%, respectively.

The MOP is the period during which the flat must be occupied by the owner before it can be sold. For most flats, this period is five years, but it can be longer for certain schemes. The period excludes any time the owner did not occupy the flat, such as for overseas work assignments.

The HDB resale portal provides tools to compare recent transaction prices of similar flats in the area. Sellers are also advised to consider the valuation provided by the portal and any advisory prompts about pricing deviations.

The OTP is a legal document granting the buyer the option to purchase the flat at an agreed price. It becomes effective after the seller registers their Intent to Sell and the buyer pays the Option Fee. The buyer has 21 days to exercise the option by paying the Option Exercise Fee.

Generally, only Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible to purchase HDB flats. Foreigners may not buy HDB flats unless they meet specific criteria under special schemes or exceptions.

The HDB resale portal requires eligibility checks and an intent to sell registration, while Clicks® offers immediate access without such prerequisites.

Yes, listing on multiple platforms can increase your chances of a quick sale.

Clicks® provides a user-friendly interface, no eligibility restrictions for browsing, and a faster listing process, making it an excellent alternative to the HDB resale portal.

No, listing your property on Clicks® is completely free. You can create and publish your property listings without any charges, making it an accessible platform for everyone.

Signing up for Clicks® is easy and straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Clicks® website.

  2. Click on the "Sign Up" button at the top right corner of the homepage.

  3. Fill in your basic details such as name, email, and password.

  4. Verify your email address through the link sent to your inbox.

  5. Log in to your new account and start listing your properties.